Features of the functioning of the solar energy market in Ukraine

To your attention the main theses of the speech of the CEO of the Ukrainian company “Avenston” Dmitro Lukomskyi about the features of the functioning of the solar energy market in Ukraine “The structure of development and key trends”:

  • According to world forecasts, by 2050, on average, the total world share of solar and wind generation will be about 50% of the total generation.
  • In 2018, there are many solar capacities were introduced in twice (about 500 MW) than in the past (250 MW). And next year is expected to be at least the same in terms of growth.
  • Investors who have decided to build solar power plants understand that the rules of the game will change, and are eager to complete their projects by the end of next year.
  • The new legislation will stimulate the arrival of systemic foreign investors in the Ukrainian PV generation market. In 5-10 years we will reach a growth rate of 20-30% per year.
  • Today in Ukraine, the share of “green” in the energy balance, excluding hydro, is only about 2%.
  • Today, at the state level, there is no clearly stated goal regarding the share of “green” generation in the energy balance to which current and potential market participants should be guided.
  • Today, Avenston is working with projects in the solar industry in the range of installed capacity of 5-20 MW. Our 2019 strategic plans foresee a new level of annual capacity of 300 MW of PV-generation construction in ten regions of Ukraine.
  • Avenston stands for the strategic development in Ukraine of distributed generation, small solar power plants on the facades and roofs of houses. This will remove the potential problem of balancing generation and consumption at the level of the entire power grid.

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