AgroFM interviews CEO of Avenston

At the invitation of AgroFM, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ukrainian company Avenston, Dmitro Lukomskyi, told the audience about the transformation of solar energy in Ukraine in a radio broadcast together with announcer Olga Ksonz . There were mentioned such things:

  • About the segment building development of solar power stations by private households and their payback;
  • About the Chinese manufactures of solar panels and the prospects of deployments of high-tech electronics manufacturing facilities for inverter equipment by Ukrainian manufacturers;
  •  About the necessity of accumulation capacities’ development by the participants in the solar energy market;
  • About the “green” tariff and the legislative transformations of the RE market.

Several quotes:

  • “Production of solar panels is a technologically rather simple production, in which it is very difficult to win the intellectual struggle with China, there are other scales. But the use of intellectual work by Ukrainians in the development of inverter equipment is promising. “
  • “The payback period of investments in the SES without the application of the” green “tariff is 15-20 years. However, solar panels are cheaper each year, therefore, after about 3 years their payback will be 10 years, without a” green “tariff.”
    “Technologies for the deployment of accumulation capacity is still too expensive, but each year their cost is reduced by about 20%.”

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