Cooperation with the leading manufacturer of inverters SMA Solar Technology

In the autumn of 2018, our company completed the regular supply to Ukraine of inverter equipment produced by SMA Solar Technology. This time we completed a 5 MW solar power plant, which is planned to be launched in early 2019.

The team of Avenston specialists, having experience of long-term cooperation with SMA since 2011, provides detailed technical advice on the use of equipment of the German brand, also has partnership rights to introduce new equipment and modern SMA technologies in Ukraine.

Recently, the German manufacturer has once again confirmed that company LLC AVENSTON is a sales and solution partner of SMA on the territory of Ukraine. In accordance to SMA’s user, installation, service maintenance instructions and warranty conditions on the territory of Ukraine, this company is entitled to offer the supply, the installation, the commissioning as well as the service and maintenance of SMA equipment.

Energy storage systems (ESS). Overview

The efficiency of the use of global energy resources depends not only on the ways of their use, but also on the methods of the generated energy storage.
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Opportunities to invest in Ukraine

Ukraine is taking important strides to increase the use of renewable-energy sources and alternative fuels as part of its broader strategy to reduce its reliance on traditional fossil fuels.
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Solar Energy Web Conference

In May 2010, "Zelena Hvilya" project organized Internet conference about solar energy, its current status and prospects in Ukraine. In article, we introduce you to the comments of Dmytro Lukomskyi, a famous expert in the field of solar energy.
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Development of the renewable energy industry

In the article, Dmytro Lukomskyi noted forecasts for annual global energy investments in 2021, which should increase to 1.9 trillion. dollars and exceed the total annual investment to pre-crisis levels.
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