Solar Energy Web Conference

In May 2010, “Zelena Hvilya” project organized an Internet conference about solar energy, its current status and prospects in Ukraine. In the article, we introduce you to the comments of Dmytro Lukomskyi, a famous expert in the field of solar energy.

Out of the grid – off-grid PV systems and energy availability

The striking growth of PV energy among all types of renewable energy, as demonstrated in recent years, has proven the ability of solar plants to influence on the global energy model and play a leading role in global energy transit.
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Solar Energy in Ukraine

Solar energy is one of the areas of renewable energy, which is based on the direct conversion of solar energy into other forms of energy, such as electricity or heat.
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Geothermal energy: passed stage or step into the future

Geothermal energy has become a new hope for deceleration of climate change just only 10 years ago. What is the potential of geothermal energy on our planet? Let's examine it step by step.
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Сheap electricity by solar

The current prices for photovoltaic equipment (solar modules, inverters, etc.) and the climatic conditions of Ukraine make it possible to obtain cheap and environmentally friendly electricity using solar power plants.
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