Avenston will share the ideas of increasing the profits of PV-power plant

On March 5, 2019, a seminar on “How to double the income of a solar power plant” will be held in Kyiv, which will be of interest to companies and owners of power plants that have long been thinking about development and improvement concepts in order to maximize profits in the solar business.

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The world’s energy demand is growing rapidly due to the population growth and technological achievements. It is therefore important to move on to a reliable, cost-effective and perpetual energy source for future energy demand. Solar energy, among other renewable energy sources, is a promising and freely available source of energy for managing the long-term energy crisis.

The solar industry is steadily developing around the world due to the high demand for energy, because the main source of energy – fossil fuels are limited and for some time completely exhaust their resources, while other sources are expensive. It has become an instrument for the development of the economic status of rapidly developing countries, as well as to support the lives of many dysfunctional people, since its effective cost after long aggressive research aimed at accelerating its development.

In addition, the installation of solar power plants is gaining momentum every day precisely because it is considered to be one of the best investment methods for profit. Recently, in Ukraine, a significant number of entrepreneurs from different sectors of business choose investments in the construction of solar power plants, because according to the law, they will be guaranteed to receive income.

Dmytro Lukomskyi, general director of Avenston company, will give a detailed speech of how to get the aforementioned profit and moreover the dreamed doubling of it on the training that will be held on March 5 in Kyiv. The event will be devoted to the idea of doubling the income of the solar power plant, where Dmytro will share his vision on the concept of the development of solar energy industry in order to obtain significant profits.

Let’s remind that Avenston is one of the leading companies in the design and construction of solar power stations, whose pile of achievements is constantly replenished. The latest can include the discovery of the solar power plant “Rychta”, located in the Khmelnitsky region, where the company acted as the general contractor of the second stage of construction of the facility.

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