Avenston became a member at the Solar Energy Association of Ukraine

The evolution of renewable energy over the past decade has surpassed all expectations. Global installed capacity and the production of all renewable technologies have increased significantly, and policy support continued to spread to more countries in all regions of the world.

Last week, Avenston joined the Solar Energy Association, with which will be working on the rapid development of environmentally friendly renewable energy and achieve, at first sight, the impossible –  100% renewable energy.

The main objective of Avenston in the field of renewable energy is the sustainable development of the company with the maximum involvement of natural resources. Since solar energy is a clean, inexpensive, renewable source of energy that can be used almost everywhere in the world — any point where sunlight hits the earth’s surface is a potential place for generating solar energy, one should certainly get all the benefits of using this resource. That is why our focus is on projects that are primarily related to the use of solar energy, as well as geothermal energy sources and other renewable energy sources.

Now the employees of the Avenston Group business development department carefully analyze the market of investment opportunities in the field of renewable energy, and also form a set of projects for 2020-2025, as for several decades, the company aims at a rather ambitious goal, namely – 100% renewable energy. Through constructive cooperation with the Association of Solar Energy, Avenston will achieve the implementation of a strategy for the sustainable development of renewable energy in Ukraine and gain energy independence of the country.

Авенстон став членом Асоціації сонячної енергетики України

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