‘Ivanovka-2’ solar PV power plant has been opened

Last week there was opening of the new solar power plant “Ivanovka-2” with a capacity of more than 3 MWp, which is provided by 11 616 solar modules (265 W each). The annual generation of electricity of Ivanovka-2 PV power plant (Ukraine, Kirovograd) is about 4000 MW-year.

Project details:

  • Stage – construction completed
  • Power – 3,08 MWp
  • Surface – 6 ha
  • Technology – multi-Si
  • Structures – fixed
  • Commissioning – 2016

Ivanivka-2 solar power station (photoelectric station) was built in 2016 in Novoukrains’kiy district of the Kirovohrad region. Power station occupies an area about 6 hectares, and the total power of solar panels (photoelectric modules) is over than 3 МW. This ground-mounted solar PV power station was built to increase eco-clean electric power production and further  profit-making from green tariff sales. Power station is projected with application of 60 kW string invertors and 265 W poli-crystal silicon modules. All invertors are combined in three groups and further connected to complete 0,4/35 kV transformer substations.

Rentechno became the general contractor of Ivanivka-2 construction works by making it a “turn-key” project. Among the services provided there were:

  • Making necessary permissions on power station construction;
  • Connection to Oblenergo’s grid;
  • Pre-project engineer-geological and engineer-geodesic researches;
  • Solar power-station facility design;
  • Purchase and delivery of necessary equipment and component parts to the construction site;
  • Solar power-station construction;
  • Commissioning works and adjustment work;
  • Personnel instruction and training.

We also provided legal support related to the formal issues of green tariff implementation (electric power producer’s license registration, membership in Wholesale Market of electric power,  expert evaluation on determination of actual proportion of local content, signing of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on the electric power sale with Energorynok State Enterprise and obtaining NERC resolution on “green” tariff authorization).

Солнечная электростанция «Ивановка-2»
Солнечная электростанция «Ивановка-2»

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