Construction Technologies and Autonomous Solutions

The forum-exhibition “Construction Technologies and Autonomous Solutions”, in which Avenston took an active part, has been successfully completed. The event, which took place at the Mercure Congress Centre, brought together hundreds of participants and professionals from the construction and engineering sectors, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, local governments and heads of utility companies from all over Ukraine, heads of Kyiv condominiums, representatives of the public sector and financial and banking institutions, as well as the largest telecom operators. The forum showcased the latest achievements and innovative solutions in the field of construction, renewable energy, smart technologies and autonomous systems.

Our company representatives were happy to present their innovative solutions and services aimed at improving the construction sector and implementing autonomous technologies. Visitors had the opportunity to learn more about the history of our company, get expert advice, interesting ideas, and opportunities to implement their projects. We highlighted projects on the use of solar panels, energy-efficient systems, and talked about our achievements in the development of renewable energy sources for industry and business. The Avenston team also actively interacted with industry experts, sharing information about their projects and exchanging experiences with other forum participants. 

This cooperation proved to be an important element in discussing and finding new ways to improve modern construction and implement environmentally friendly technologies. The “Building Technologies and Autonomous Solutions” Forum-Exposition was a successful event for Avenston, allowing the company to demonstrate its expertise and distinction in the field of solar energy and renewable energy sources. The event highlighted the importance of innovative solutions for the sustainable development of the construction sector and facilitated the expansion of cooperation between key players in this field. 

Avenston looks forward to future events like this, where it can share its experience and knowledge to accelerate the transition to clean energy. 

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