“Green” tariff as an analogue of a bank deposit

One of the leading players in the solar energy sector, Avenston has a significant portfolio of solar projects for many customers but also plans to develop its own generation. In the interview with ExPro, Dmytro Lukomskyi spoke about his own experience in solar energy, promising areas of the “solar” business, and also gave detailed advice to potential investors.


O&M Services for Solar Power Plants

High-quality operation and maintenance (O&M) are one of the main ways to ensure the most highly efficient operation of a solar power plant. AVENSTON prepared an overview of the major malfunctions and their impact on solar power plant performance.
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Cleantech start-ups support

We have opportunities to attract investments in interesting and promising start-ups. We are ready to offer comprehensive support (intellectual, scientific, technological and technical, financial, marketing)
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Hydrogen and RES: global applying practices

We already know a lot about renewable energy sources, but in recent years the topic of hydrogen has been raised more and more often. What is the role of the light chemical element of the Mendeleev periodic table in the renewable energy generation system? How do hydrogen production processes take place, and what are the global practices for its use?
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What are BIPV solar systems?

BIPV is a promising new technology in the field of solar industry. More and more solar power plants around the world are used in close association with the architectural design, organically blended into the urban environment.
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