Training “How to double the income of a solar power plant”

In early March, the regular training was held in Kiev on the profitability of solar power plants. CEO of Avenston gave a speech on how to increase the income of solar power plants. The event, organized by the first professional international school in the field of solar energy Solar Academy, gathered participants from different parts of Ukraine interested in the installation and operation of solar power plants.

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It was here exactly where the participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with their colleagues, to receive valuable expert advice, exchange experiences and business cards with each other, to establish partnerships, which is a guarantee of successful business!

Among the lecturers were presented the best industry experts, practitioners, specialists from leading companies, as well as representatives of governmental agencies, who found out possible algorithms for increasing passive income from a solar station.


At the training, Dmytro Lukomskyi, CEO of Avenston, shared valuable pieces of advice on planning PV power plants projects to improve their effectiveness. In his speech, Dmytro spoke in details about the optimization of photovoltaic systems, namely about such things:

  • Which chracteristics are appropriate and needed to optimize
  • Factors of income and expenses affecting the efficiency of investments in PV power plants
  • Technical aspects of the design of solar power plants
  • Tools for PV power plants simulation


What is more, using the example of already installed solar power plants with the participation of the Avenston`s team, Mr. Lukomskyi demonstrated how to apply practically the instructions mentioned above.


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