Energy efficiency and partnership

The United Nations seeks to emphasize the importance and relevance of the topic of energy efficiency for all states of the world. Therefore, the organization proclaimed the period 2014-2024 as SE4All (Decade of Sustainable Energy for All).

Doubling the global indicator for energy efficiency by 2030 has become a major challenge. 

The increase makes it possible to get closer to solving global problems:

  • to strengthen the energy security of states;
  • improve and restore the environment;
  • improve the quality of human life;
  • stimulate economic well-being.

Energy efficiency is called the «first fuel» of economic development. Solar energy makes it possible to find new solutions for using existing resources, reduce costs, and initiate economic growth.

1. Energy efficiency trends in the world

The leading world states of Europe, Asia, and America are building domestic energy efficiency policies at the state level. They form the potential that will allow the private and public sector to:

  • formalize, select, submit for consideration and approval of investment projects aimed at improving energy efficiency;
  • to rebuild organizational structures and development strategy in directions that contribute to the growth of investments;
  • create favorable conditions for investors for the implementation of energy efficiency projects.

1.1. Investment imperatives of development

International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that the volume of investments in the global market exceeds $350 billion. The IEA has developed a scenario for improving global efficiency. It is necessary to build a global low-carbon, most environmentally sustainable economy. Therefore, in the time until 2035, approximately $11.8 trillion needs to be invested. The estimated profit from the implementation of the project in full is almost $18 trillion.

The direct returns are estimated by the IEA in lowering energy costs by $17.5 trillion. Further, the volume of investments will decrease by $5.9 trillion.

All this attracted the attention of major investors and financiers led by the EBR.

The Bank has launched an initiative that concerns the area of ​​sustainable energy. The project is aimed at:

  • financing the production of environmentally sustainable energy;
  • development of the commercial, technical, financial sectors

The use of solar energy minimizes risks and transaction costs. This area will expand the options for financing the entire range of measures that are aimed at achieving maximum energy efficiency.

Many leading banks have expanded the share of such projects in their investment portfolios.

The many-sided advantages and benefits that have been obtained from the implementation of this project can be judged from the 2014 IEA compilation. Over the pastime, the indicators have increased.

2. Solution of energy efficiency issues in Ukraineе

The government of our state has adopted the world’s best practices in solving this issue. A parallel increase in energy efficiency indicators on a national scale is envisaged.

The work is carried out in the following areas:

2.1. Creation and use of renewable (primarily solar and wind)

General part of «clean» energy in the energy balance of Ukraine
General part of «clean» energy in the energy balance of Ukraine
Capacity of renewable energy facilities
Capacity of renewable energy facilities
Dynamics increasing the number of solar power installations in private households
Dynamics increasing the number of solar power installations in private households

2.2. Reducing energy consumption at real estate objects, including multi-apartment and private residential buildings

The government approved the Concept. It determines the policy of the state in the direction of energy conservation. Starting from 2030, only energy-efficient houses will be built in the country. It is necessary to invest about $57 billion. 

The first step in this direction has already been taken. Since January 2021, housing construction has been prohibited in Ukraine without meeting the minimum package of energy efficiency requirements. This will allow you to consume less energy.

It is necessary to strive for homes as close to zero consumption as possible. Such houses must have an energy efficiency of at least class «C». Moreover, more than 50% of the consumed energy should come from renewable energy sources.

New buildings will be labeled «A+». Bills for residents and owners of similar houses will be reduced by 75%.

Reconstruction of public facilities will be carried out with credit funds provided by the BRD ($75 million). Eco-development is becoming a very promising niche for investors. The EU understood this a long time ago. Every year, about 3% of old buildings are being renovated here, which need to be improved in energy efficiency.

2.3. Using modern construction technologies, improving the quality of work

Results should be assessed by the certification of real estate objects (a common practice in the leading countries of the world).

Several options for international real estate certificates have already been developed and introduced. The most widespread are: BREAM (England) and LEED (USA).

Buildings certified according to these standards have already appeared in Ukraine. 

Energy efficiency certification
Energy efficiency certification

Investors were convinced of the quick payback of certification costs. Representatives of foreign companies give preference to objects for which such a document has been received.

For the reconstruction of buildings in order to improve their energy efficiency, it is planned to provide state loans.

2.4. Application of the latest heat-saving materials

The state stimulates the development of domestic scientists in the field of creating energy-efficient heaters and building materials. The creation of enterprises for their production on the territory of the country is encouraged.

3. Why is cooperation with Avenston Group of Companies profitable for foreign and Ukrainian investors?

For investors who enter new projects in a foreign country, it is very important to have a local business partner. The company must have a proven track record of being reliable, knowledgeable about financing and the topic of projects in which funds are invested.

Avenston Group is ready to become such a partner for you. We have been working on the Ukrainian market since 2010. During this time, business partners, customers, and investors have become convinced of the highest professionalism of our employees. Most of our team members graduated from prestigious educational institutions in the United States and Great Britain. We have a good business reputation in the market.

The company specializes in the implementation of the most efficient technologies for the production of renewable energy sources and other energy-efficient solutions.

Experts evaluate a new project, constantly work to increase efficiency, and strive to introduce modern engineering findings.

The company’s specialists have in-depth knowledge of all modern and promising renewable energy sectors in Ukraine and the world, issues of energy efficiency. We are well versed in the dynamics and prospects of the market. The main office is located in Kyiv.

The management of Avenston has identified three main areas of business:

  • investments;
  • engineering;
  • consulting.

We are open to dialogue and are considering the possibility of investors entering the project of interest to them at any stage of its implementation. Development in the field of renewable energy is a very profitable investment at present.

We are ready to act as a general contractor in any projects directly or indirectly aimed at introduction of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. We are ready to carry out work at the pre-project stage, carry out comprehensive design and evaluate all available documentation related to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The company has significant experience in the development of industrial documentation for various enterprises, power substations, power grids (≤35kV).

We deal with the following issues: 

  • supply of equipment;
  • installation and construction of solar power plants;
  • we carry out their service, warranty, and post-warranty maintenance;
  • we provide consulting services in the segment related to solar energy;
  • we undertake legal support of such projects.

Investors who have become our business partners can be sure of a reliable investment, return on investment, and guaranteed profit.


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