On April 19, 2018 a roundtable was held entitled “On the Concept of Introduction of Competitive Mechanisms to Pricing for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources and Proposals Submitted to It.” As a result of the roundtable, the renewed Concept of Introduction of Competitive Mechanisms of Price Formation for Electricity from RES in Form of a Thesis (the Concept) was published on the Parliamentary Committee’s web site, available in Ukrainian at http://kompek.rada.gov.ua/fsview/73550.html. The Concept reflected certain comments and proposals from market players, which have been accepted by the Parliamentary Committee at this stage and will be used as the basis for the preparation of a draft law which will introduce respective changes.
The key ideas of the Concept as of 19 April 2018 are as follows:
To some extent, the parliamentary committee took into account proposals and comments from the market players, such as special quotas, higher thresholds for the auctions, later decrease of “green” tariff and later implementation of the auctions.
However, it appears that market players have not yet fully agreed on all ideas of the Concept and do not yet have a uniform approach with regard to certain ideas. Most likely the draft law will deviate to some extent from the ideas of the current Concept.