Solar Energy Web Conference

In May 2010, “Zelena Hvilya” project organized an Internet conference about solar energy, its current status and prospects in Ukraine. In the article, we introduce you to the comments of Dmytro Lukomskyi, a famous expert in the field of solar energy.

Fundamentals of the technology production of silicon solar cells

Photovoltaic or solar cells are semiconductor devices that convert sunlight into electricity. Today crystalline silicon and thin-film silicon solar cells are liders on the commercial systems market for terrestrial applications.
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Energy efficiency and partnership

The reports of the International Energy Agency (IEA) note that, globally, energy efficiency measures have reached a level that exceeds the contribution to energy supply by any other area of development.
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Types of solar inverters

Inverters play an important role in solar power plants. Solar panels generate direct current, while the electrical grid operates on alternating voltage. Inverters convert the direct current generated by the solar panels into alternating current.
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Solar Market Outlook for 2021-2025

Solar market again reached a new annual record of 18% growth, with 138 GW installed in 2020. Fortunately, global demand for solar installations did not shrink at all despite COVID-19.
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