ReneSola modules: high performance and power

ReneSola PV modules: high performance and the smallest power drop

An important aspect when choosing solar panels is the combination of electrical, temperature and weight and size parameters. Avenston specialists compared the main characteristics of PV modules produced by ten largest world manufacturers on the Ukrainian market.

AVENSTON carried out a comparative analysis of the characteristics of PV modules manufactured by Ja Solar, Trina Solar, Jinko Solar, Yingli Solar, Q-Cells, Longi Solar, Risen Solar, GCL, ABI Solar, and Renesola. In the course of the study, 144-cell 400 W PV modules were compared.

The first parameter by which the comparison was made is the loss of PV module performance over the course of its service life.

Most manufacturers of PV modules provide a power reduction to 80% of the nominal for 25 years. For example: manufacturers guarantee that a station with a power of 30 kW installed by you will already have a rated power of 24 kW after 25 years of operation.

The ReneSola company guarantees 82% of the power after 30 years of operation, which gives the user of PV modules from this manufacturer an increased performance in comparison with competitors for the same period of operation.

It is clear that a smaller drop in the PV module performance provides a greater generation of electrical energy. In terms of this indicator, the modules produced by Q-Cells and Longi Solar are closest to the Renesola PV modules. Since all manufacturers participating in the study are only guaranteed for 25 years, the 30-year drop in capacity was predicted.

Planned output power of solar PV modules after 30 years of operation in comparison with their nominal power, %
Planned output power of solar PV modules after 30 years of operation in comparison with their nominal power, %

The next parameter by which the products of the world’s ten leading manufacturers were compared is the coefficient of performance (COP). The efficiency of a solar cell is the percentage of the energy delivered by the system to the total solar energy entering the working area of ​​the panels.

The amount of losses is related to:

▪ with physical principles of functioning of semiconductors;

▪ features of materials for capturing the widest possible spectrum of radiation;

▪ external atmospheric conditions.

The highest indicator for this parameter among the products participating in the research is for PV modules manufactured by Trina Solar (20.2%), the lowest is for Yingli Solar with an efficiency of 18.4%. The ReneSola PV modules showed an average efficiency value close to 19.9%.

The third parameter for which the comparison was made is the power drop at NOCT (Nominal Operating Cell Temperature) – the nominal operating temperature of the photocell under typical operating conditions. Measured under illumination intensity 800 W/m2, air temperature 20 °C, wind speed 1 m/s. The solar panel is exposed at a 45 ° angle during testing, facing south. According to the research results, the ReneSola PV modules (97 W) demonstrated the smallest power drop, while the power drop in similar competitors’ products exceeded 100 W. ABI Solar showed the largest drop in power when deviating from the nominal temperature. PV modules manufactured by Jinko Solar (98 W, see graph 2) demonstrated a power drop close to the leader

Reduction of real power of solar modules at NOST-conditions, watt
Reduction of real power of solar modules at NOST-conditions, watt

The fourth parameter, which was used to compare PV modules from different manufacturers – by the temperature coefficient of the power drop. The temperature coefficient is the percentage of efficiency degradation linked to the ambient temperature. It shows how much the efficiency of a solar panel decreases as the air temperature rises by each degree. Thus, if the temperature coefficient of the solar panel is 0.50, it means that the power output will decrease by 0.50% for every degree above 25 °C. The study showed that among the panels under study, the Ja Solar PV modules have the lowest temperature coefficient (0.35), the highest of all – for the GCL PV modules (0.39). The ReneSola PV modules demonstrated a temperature coefficient of power drop equal to 0.37.

In addition, Avenston specialists carried out modulation, during which they measured the volume of electricity generation by PV power plant with a capacity of 500 kW located in Kiev with the same choice of inverters and the coincidence of all related parameters for different manufacturers of PV modules. The obtained value for ReneSola PV modules is at an average level of 591 MW/year.

Initially, the comparison showed the confident position of ReneSola PV modules in the market according to the listed criteria.

Thus, after making an initial comparison, it can be argued that ReneSola PV modules occupy a confident position in the market according to the studied criteria and combine all modern technologies, including:

  • The use of p-type monocrystalline silicon allows to reduce the cost of the material by doping it with acceptors – chemical elements of the III group (boron, aluminum, indium, gallium).
  • The use of MultiBusBar, which makes it possible to increase the thoroughness of the absorption of the identified charge carriers and to increase the conversion efficiency (efficiency) of the PVC.
  • Half-cells – a method of manufacturing cells by reducing their geometric dimensions (dividing a standard cell into 2 parts), which allows you to reduce the intrinsic (internal) resistance of the element and the effect of an increase in temperature, and thereby increase the efficiency
  • The use of bypass diodes, which makes it possible to reduce the power losses of the PV module with its partial shading.

Solar power plants are one of the key and many times approved competencies for companies belonging to Avenston. We provide all necessary services for solar energy projects, starting from the support of the development or pre engineering stages to maintenance of already built photovoltaic power plants or systems. All stages of the implementation of such projects are carried out by us independently or with the involvement of selected partners. In the second case, all key processes are managed and controlled by Avenston’s in-house project managers. List of our solar projects includes a large number of designed and built industrial solar PV power plants as well as commercial solar power plants. If you have plans to build your own solar power plant of any type and size, please contact Avenston. We will be happy to help you implement your project in the most optimal way.


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