Energoreforma has published an interview with the head of the company Avenston

Solar energy in Ukraine is developing rapidly: the total installed capacity of commissioned solar power plants in 2017 exceeded 250 MW. For incomplete 2018, power has already more than doubled. But for long-term planning, investors need clear and stable rules of the game. Eight bills regulating the transition to auctions are now registered in parliament. However, the formation of a consolidated position on them is delayed. There is a discussion about the mechanisms for the implementation of auctions. For market participants, it is important that this mechanism should be fair for everyone and not “be discharged for several major players”. On legislative changes and on the features of the functioning of the solar energy market, Energoforma spoke with Dmytro Lukomskyi, CEO of Avenston.

Galvanic Corrosion Considerations for PV Arrays

Photovoltaic modules are designed for an operational life span of more than 25 years in the field. The design of the entire installation, not just these expensive components, should target a similar life span.
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Energy efficiency and partnership

The reports of the International Energy Agency (IEA) note that, globally, energy efficiency measures have reached a level that exceeds the contribution to energy supply by any other area of development.
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Development of the renewable energy industry

In the article, Dmytro Lukomskyi noted forecasts for annual global energy investments in 2021, which should increase to 1.9 trillion. dollars and exceed the total annual investment to pre-crisis levels.
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Opportunities to invest in Ukraine

Ukraine is taking important strides to increase the use of renewable-energy sources and alternative fuels as part of its broader strategy to reduce its reliance on traditional fossil fuels.
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