Interview with CEO AVENSTON for PIDSUMKY on ObozTV

October 29th, 2019 Dmytro Lukomskyi, General Director of AVENSTON LLC, was invited to live PIDSUMKY (The Summaries) news studio on ObozTV as an expert in the alternative energy industry. An interesting discussion took place about the pressing problems, risks, and opportunities of the alternative energy market in Ukraine. Dmytro debunked the myths about green energy, talked about a unique station built by the Avenston team without a “single drop” of concrete, and trends in global electrification and distribution generation. The expert shared his thoughts on the approach to allocating quotas, reducing the green tariff and how the solar generation market will change after the introduction of auctions since 2020.

Energy storage systems (ESS). Overview

The efficiency of the use of global energy resources depends not only on the ways of their use, but also on the methods of the generated energy storage.
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Versions of BIPV systems

The number of home owners who are interested in switching to renewable energy sources is growing. The use of BIPV solar systems to replace traditional building materials provides new opportunities for combining renewable energy and architectural solutions.
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BIPV solar systems: features and prospective applications

BIPV is a promising new technology in the field of solar industry. More and more solar power plants around the world are used in close association with the architectural design, organically blended into the urban environment.
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Some features of designing BIPV-systems

In this article we will talk about the features of designing BIPV-systems - both from an architectural point of view, and from the position of calculating an integrated solar power station, as well as the multifunctionality of BIPV-elements.
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